
Interesting - by all standards

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

life beginning POLE POLE

that is the kind of pole pole that my pal sammy says. there is a way he says it that he actually performs the phrase by saying it (i have forgotten the name for that. thank goodness it is not in the exam)

so maisha for me is ok. first week of school and i am busy like it is the mid sem. I have started on my stuff early this semester. I have been reading and the more i read the more i realize i do not know a lot. it is kind of amazing.

I cut my hair last month and i kinda look boyish. with the pimples and the short hair, that would explain my luck or lack thereof in some issues. Cutting my hair was like a beginning for me. kind of like shedding some. Knowing that the cycle of life means giving up some things for others. (ok. i cut it coz i was too busy to maintain my hair)

what is weighing heavily on me is the fact that there are chaos at home. As i take a moment to meditate today i think of all the things we need to cut of, things that we need to give up as a nation to get something new. I say a prayer that things are gonna be nice that maisha will go back to how it was if not better and that we will be the home bila matata where we take life pole pole

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